【J2】HoustonCon 2016 Gold Panel翻译


J2 HoustonCon 2016 Gold Panel

Jensen to Jared: Did you wear red for Valentine’s? Jared: That was our secret! Jensen: This is why I wore black.




Boys are on “wrong” mics, Jensen has the tallest one lol.


Boys might be a bit tired. Jensen: Drink your coffee!


Jared says he’d love to model for SAXX!! Asks if they make SAXX underwear for women. Jensen: No, SAXX isn’t for women, they don’t need a pouch.



Jensen on Christian Kane: Who would win in a fight? “You talking Dean or Jensen?” Jensen says he wants him to be another hunter they work with. Jared: I didn’t want someone with longer hair than me.

Jensen说到Christian Kane(美国演员、歌手,和Jensen是好朋友)问他谁打架会赢。“你说Dean还是Jensen?”Jensen说他想让Christian演另一个和他们一起工作的猎人。Jared:我可不想要一个头发比我长的人。

Jared is drinking iced coffee from Starbucks, Jensen has hot coffee lol.


Jensen talks about creepy houses they’ve filmed in. While they’re setting up in creepy locations, they get to explore. Owners put ‘do not enter’ signs, which is like an invite!


Jensen talks about the hangover scene from the last episode: That was from experience. The food and the rock, paper, scissors scene were not in the script! Jensen says his favorite part was that even though he won, he still didn’t get to go upstairs. He just didn’t care lol.


Should they share the MOL lore with other hunters? Jared: Most hunters don’t like Sam and Dean. You know, because of the apocalypse. 


Jared proposes a social media network for Hunters. They decide to call it HuntBookFace.


Jared on Sam and Dean: We know each other, we trust each other.


Comment on today being the end of the world (reference to the movie Ghostbusters II) Jared: Well I’m glad we’re in Texas! Plans? Jensen: I guess we’re spending it with you!


Jared (about Stephen Amell) would love to see Oliver and Dean not get along, plus he “likes to make Amell feel short.” Jensen: “Or ANYONE.”.

Jared说到了Stephen Amell(绿箭侠的扮演者),他很乐意见到Oliver(绿箭侠的名字)和Dean合不来的样子,而且他也很乐意让Stephen来体会一下矮的感觉。Jensen:或者是任何人。

Jared: Tom loves Wild Kratts. Went to a live stage show and got an m&g. 

Tom and Shep had happiest moment in life - so in awe and they loved it.


Jensen: JJ got trash talked at the playground. Jensen trash talked the other little girl back. Jensen was standing by as JJ climbed a tree slide. Another little girl challenged her speed. The girl was 4, Jensen looks around: She is only 2 and a half and when she’s four she’ll climb it faster than YOU!


“Jensen, how do you feel to be the same age as when JDM was when he started SPN?” Jensen: “My only goal was by the time Dean got to where Jeff was in age I’d have my voice as deep as his. Now I need medical help.” Jensen also says they had wanted an older actor for Dad after the pilot, then they decided to grey-up JDM instead. Good choice!

粉丝问“Jensen,现在作为和JDM(John Winchester的扮演者)当初开始拍SPN一样年纪什么感觉呢?”Jensen:我当时唯一的目标就是等到Dean和Jeff开始拍SPN年纪一样大的时候,我的声音也要和他一样低沉,现在我需要医学帮助。Jensen还说到他们曾经想过在试播集之后重新找一个年纪大一点儿的演员来演老爹,但是最后他们决定只是给JDM搞些白头发化妆老一点儿就好了。真是好选择!

Jared saw a man with an open Hawaiian shirt in a store in LA who bought a lot of cheap wine. Clerk did a double take and they realized it was Eddie Van Halen. 

Jared看到一个穿着开襟的夏威夷衬衫的男人在洛杉矶的一家店里买了很多便宜的酒,店员犹豫了一下后他们才意识到那是Eddie Van Halen(摇滚乐队Van Halen的灵魂人物,伟大的吉他手)


Info via: Fangasm, Wendy, Sil’s livetweet list #Houscon 




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